The Hermit Prudence, circumspection; also and especially treason, dissimulation, roguery, corruption. If worried about being on your own and afraid of loneliness, and simply don’t know what to do, should take the time to relax and eventually will have the answers. The Hermit signals a warning not to make hasty decisions, so should try not to get too stressed, and if been unwell, this is a time for rest and recuperation. Day seems to experience inner deep thoughts with meaningful answers of certain life questions. A great day must say if you are a student or learning / teaching. follow us ~ ( INSTAGRAM ) ginny_the_numerologist ( BLOGSPOT ) https://numeroscopebyginny.blogspot.com/ ( WORDPRESS ) https://ginnythenumerologist.wordpress.com/ ( YOUTUBE ) https://youtube.com/channel/UCqeezqhkj5r2tkdZaFicX1w ( EMAIL ) numeroscope@gmail.com #tarot #tarotreadings #numerology #numerologychart #vastu #vastushastra #astrology #2021goals #futureplans #directions #numeroscopebyginny #ginnythenumerologist #bhavishyavani #north #time #destiny #future #thehermit